

Sorry, haven't posted in a while. Much thanks to Aara for her comments! I feel much less alone in the knitting world. It's still a little lonely being the only college girl I know who knits, scratch that, is obsessed with knitting. Well, I take that back. I don't know if obsessed is the right word either. I mean after all, not every surface of my apartment is covered by a handknit, I don't have a cat, yarn is not taking over my closet, and, most importantly, I plan to keep knitting. This is not a flash-in-the-pan thing, as are most obsessions. This is something I plan to do forever. I love thinking about drying my dishes with clothes I knit, cuddling with my boyfriend in my Silk Garden blanket, maybe even draping it at the end of our bed someday when we're married. I love thinking about having kids all outfitted in Heart-breakingly Cute Baby Kimonos and having enough burp cloths to last through the Tribulation. I don't plan on becoming some great knitting designer or something. I just like being able to make small, personalized contributions to my world. Maybe that's what I like so much about Mason-Dixon Knitting. It made knitting real again, accessible to the average-ly talented knitter such as myself. I mean, we can't all be Debbie Bliss or even Debbie Stoller, for that matter. Not all of us will take very well to knitting all of our sweaters by hand. But we still like to knit. And for people like us, there are always more dishcloths, baby blankets, and rugs to be knit.
I find I have a difficult time explaining my knitting to my friends, or my boyfriend, even. To them it seems either antiquated or trendy, something their grandmothers did or some sort of cute hobby that I'll dabble in and then get over. I don't know how to explain to them that it helps me get in touch with something in myself that I feel is lost a lot of the time. I'm all for being an independent woman, but I sometimes I feel that the feminist movement, with all their good intentions of giving women more options have somehow unintentionally robbed us of some. Yes, I am glad that I can be a steel worker if I really wanted to. But what if I really want to stay at home and cook? What if I want to look after my kids and knit them blankets and stuff? Is that so bad? Am I somehow failing woman-kind by choosing more traditional roles? Can't I like being domestic? And, can't I be domestic and independent at the same time? I love going to school, being about town, working, voting, doing all those things that woman couldn't do for a while. I like to think that women can be tough and sensitive at the same time. Also, sometimes at my school, I feel like there is pressure on us girls to have big careers and ministries and then only marry when we want, like a husband is the icing on the cake of a successful life. I remember one speaker who said that she went to college, made her own money, got her PhD, bought a couple houses and then decided that she wanted to get married. She was so proud that she never depended on a man for anything. I admire her motivation and self-sufficiency, but I wonder if that has to be the way for all women. I mean, is there anything wrong with depending on a man if he has proven himself to be trustworthy? I like being able to lean on my boyfriend for support. And he likes it that I lean on him. It makes him feel manly.
Yeah. I dunno. I somehow got waaaaaaayyyyy off topic. But I guess the point is I'm young and female and like to knit and cook and favor traditional relationships. I fear I am a dying breed. And I'm not saying that anyone else has to be like me. I would just like it to be ok that I am like me and not be cast as being traitorous to my bra-burning sisters.
So. Yes. Blanket. I have made progress, as the title suggests, although I now find it ironic, considering the tangent I somehow found myself on. But anyway. Here it is so far.

Hopefully, the picture is somewhere on the blog. It's having issues uploading for some reason...

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